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Going to the Dogs on Day 10 of NaNoWriMo

We have two dogs, and we’re taking care of a third here in our home for the next week or so.

Yesterday being Saturday, we did Saturday type things — eating out, going to the movies, a little shopping.

As such, we were away from home for a good long while, and all the pooches were a *bit* stir crazy when we got back. They needed some extended out-of-crate time, and with work looming for me on Monday morning, I was happy to oblige with a stay-at-home Sunday.

So today, my wife and I loved and spoiled the dogs, she loved and spoiled the dogs some more, we caught-as-caught could for our meals … and I hammered my NaNoWriMo novel hard (for me, at least).

To the tune of about 4000 words.

And, as I write this, there is still some time left in the night, so I may squeeze in a few more.

It feels good, too, because I squeaked out just over a thousand yesterday, and that’s obviously light if you’re targeting 50,000 for the month (like I am).

So, chalk this up as one more awesome thing about dogs … as if they really need another tally in the PLUS column to make us love them!

Published inNaNoWriMo 2019Writing

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