Any day I get to write something is a good day … you might even say a lucky day.
So, today, on Day 7 of NaNoWriMo 2019, I’m feeling fortunate, even though I wrote “only” about 1800 words toward my November novel.
That’s still ahead of the 1667 you need to average over the course of the month in order to hit the target of 50,000, but it’s not the level I hoped to hit today.
So why did that happen?
An eight-hour wall of meetings, mostly. The prep time for all those fun talkies bumped up my work time to 10 hours … maybe 12.
So it was a day of edges and corners, writing for 20 minutes at breakfast … 30 minutes after dinner. And, then, of course, I wrote these few words right here.
But I won’t hold this post against myself.
And the night’s not over yet, either, so I may yet squeeze out a few more words of fiction before I reintroduce my head to my pillow later on.
Lucky me if I do.
But lucky me already, even if I don’t.
Because I *did* get to write today.
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